Iwi engagement review meetings

Find out how to request an iwi engagement review meeting.

The Crown Minerals Act 1991 (the CMA) was amended in August 2023 and several changes were made to the way Tier 1 permit holders are required to engage with iwi and hapū. Tier 1 permit holders include all petroleum permit holders and certain complex, high-risk or high return minerals permit holders.

Each year Tier 1 permit holders will prepare and submit an iwi engagement report as part of their annual summary reporting obligations. These permit holders are now required to share a copy of their draft report with relevant iwi and hapū for their comment. Feedback provided by iwi and hapū on the reports must be included when the permit holder submits their final report to NZP&M.

Iwi and hapū can request a meeting with NZP&M and the permit holder to discuss the report and the quality of the permit holder’s engagement.

Feedback received from iwi and hapū in iwi engagement reports, and in iwi engagement review meetings, about the quality of the permit holder’s engagement is something that must be considered by a decision maker before granting some new permit applications.

Who can make a meeting request

Any relevant iwi or hapū can request that NZP&M arranges a meeting with a Tier 1 permit holder. A relevant iwi or hapū means an iwi or hapū whose rohe includes all or some of the permit area, or who otherwise may be directly affected by the permit.

The meeting request must be in relation to an iwi engagement report.

How to request a meeting

You can make a request any time by emailing contactNZPAM@mbie.govt.nz.

We have developed a form that you can use to request a meeting. Using this form is optional, but it will prompt you to provide us with useful information to help us get started on organising the meeting.

Iwi engagement review meeting request form [DOCX 274KB]

After we receive your meeting request

We will contact you to let you know that we have received your request. We will then assess your request to make sure it meets the requirements of the CMA.

We will then start to organise the meeting. We will update you as we do this.

Who will attend the meeting

  • Iwi and hapū, including those who requested the meeting
  • Representatives from the permit or licence holder
  • Representatives from NZP&M
  • Other regulatory agencies

The CMA requires us to invite all other relevant iwi and hapū identified in the iwi engagement report or who are considered to be directly affected by the permit to attend the meeting. We will tell you when we do this, and which iwi and hapū have been invited to attend.

The CMA requires at least one representative from the permit holder who has sufficient knowledge of the permit to attend the meeting. A permit holder can only be required to attend one of these meetings, per permit, each year.

NZP&M may also invite any regulatory agency that has oversight of the permit activities.

The iwi engagement review meeting

These meetings are about engagement between iwi and hapū and a permit holder. All attendees will have an opportunity to contribute to the agenda and to speak if they wish.

NZP&M will chair the meeting and support the discussion between iwi and hapū and the permit holder. NZP&M will also take a record of the meeting.

After the meeting

NZP&M will share a final record of the meeting with all attendees.

Feedback provided by iwi and hapū in these meetings about the quality of the permit holder’s engagement must be considered before NZP&M makes decisions on certain new permit applications made by the permit holder. NZP&M will also take into consideration iwi and hapū feedback provided in iwi engagement reports, and may take into consideration iwi and hapū feedback provided in other ways.

Contact us

If you have any questions about iwi engagement review meetings, email us at contactNZPAM@mbie.govt.nz.

Last updated:
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