2022 production figures

As at the end of 2022 there were 14 operating coal mines in New Zealand.

Coalfield Mine Operator Rank Type Production 2022 (tonnes)
Maramarua Kopuku BT Mining SB Opencast 204,790
Rotowaro Awaroa BT Mining SB Opencast 406,848
West Coast
Buller Stockton BT Mining B Opencast 938,821
Buller Escarpment$ Buller Coal B Opencast  
Reefton Reefton Operations Moore Mining SB Opencast 56,210
Reefton Boatmans* Boatmans Coal SB Opencast  
Garvey Creek Echo Francis Mining B Opencast 105,095
Inangahua Giles Creek Birchfield Coal SB Opencast 202,219
Inangahua Berlins Creek Heaphy Mining SB Opencast  
Inangahua New Creek New Creek Mining SB Opencast 0
Greymouth Strongman Birchfield Coal B Opencast 54,810
Greymouth Rajah Roa Mining B Opencast 129,866
Charleston Charleston Charleston Coal SB Opencast 105
Kaitangata Castle Hill* Kai Point Coal SB Opencast  
Ohai Takitimu# Bathurst Coal SB Opencast 221,982
Waimumu New Vale* New Vale & Ohai Coal L Opencast  
Ashers Waituna* Sinclair Contracting L Opencast  

Production obtained from stockpiles or from former stockpiles as part of rehabilitation

Private coal operation

Mixture of Crown owned and private coal. Only Crown owned coal production presented

SB – Sub Bituminous

B – Bituminous

L – Lignite

Last updated:
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