Minerals - Change of control [APP-06]

Apply to change control of a permit. A change of control is when a person (or group acting together) obtains the power of 50% or more of the voting rights in a corporate body.

A change of control is when a person (or a group acting together) obtains the power, directly or indirectly, to exercise, or control the exercise of, 50% or more of the voting rights in a corporate body.

A permit may be revoked if a change of control is not applied for or notified within the required timeframes.

Tier 1 permits - change of control of permit operator

A person who will obtain control of the operator of a Tier 1 permit must apply to get consent for that change of control. This application must be made at least three months before the date the change of control takes effect.

We will only consent to the change if we’re satisfied that the permit holder, given the proposed change of control:

  • has the financial capability to meet their obligations under the permit
  • is highly likely to comply with, and give proper effect to, the work programme for the permit
  • is highly likely to comply with the reporting obligations, and fee and royalty payment obligations under the Crown Minerals Act 1991 and regulations, and
  • has the capability and systems in place that are required to meet the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 for the activities carried out under an exploration or mining permit.  

To apply for Ministerial consent to a change of control of a Tier 1 permit operator you need to:

  • complete the application form using the Online Permitting System or using Form APP-06A below
  • provide the supporting information specified under Part 9 of Schedule 3 of the Crown Minerals (Minerals other than Petroleum) Regulations 2007
  • provide evidence that you have paid the application fee of $2,530

Form APP-06A [PDF 295KB]

Part 9 of Schedule 3 - Crown Minerals (Minerals other than Petroleum) Regulations 2007 — Legislation.govt.nz

Tier 1 and Tier 2 permits - change of control of permit participants

You need to notify us of a change of control, rather than apply for consent of a change of control, if you are:

  • a permit participant of a Tier 2 permit that undergoes a change of control (including the permit operator)
  • a permit participant of a Tier 1 permit (but who is not the permit operator) that undergoes a change of control.

The notification must be made within three months of the change of control occurring.

To notify a change of control, you need to provide us with:

  • a completed form APP-06
  • a statement from the permit participant (or guarantor if the change of control is of a guarantor) that they have the financial capability to meet their obligations under the permit
  • a copy of the agreement or document that specifies the change of control
  • other supporting information about financial capability (if requested)
  • evidence that you have paid the fee $2,530.

APP-06 [PDF 363KB]

If you are notifying us or applying for consent of a change of control on behalf of someone else, you will need to send to us a completed APP-10 Application authority form.

APP-10 Application authority form [PDF 374KB]

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