Actions you need to take for the listed projects pathway

If your project is listed in Schedule 2 of the Act, you can make a substantive application once you have carried out the steps below.

Schedule 2 of the Fast-track Approvals Act 2024 —

Understand the costs for using the Fast-track process

The Fast-track process is a user-pays system, meaning that we recover costs for the time New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals (NZP&M) staff spend providing advice on Fast-track mining permit applications. 


You will be required to pay the following fees:

  1. Pre-lodgement consultation fee. NZP&M will invoice you for this fee.
  2. Application fees. The EPA will invoice you for these fees.  Read more about these on the Fast-track website.

Fees, charges and cost recovery —

Fees are set to cover the actual and reasonable costs associated with processing each application. The fee is charged on an hourly rate (excluding GST) and the amount depends on the expertise of the NZP&M staff member assessing the application. 

We will consider efficiency and cost effectiveness when allocating staff members.

The fee covers direct, indirect and overhead costs. Direct costs account for approximately 60% of the total fee and include staff costs for time spent working on the applications. Indirect and overhead costs account for approximately 40% of the total fee and include systems and information costs required to support the Fast-track process.

The table below sets out the fees.

Role Hourly fee (excluding GST)
Manager $333
Team Leader, Principal Advisor $220
Senior Advisor $187
Advisor $138
Administrator $108

Look over the application form

Read through the application form so you understand what information you need to provide. The application form is found on the Fast-track website.

Substantive application for resource consents and other approvals —

Complete pre-lodgement consultation

Pre-lodgement consultation involves consulting with relevant organisations about your project, to help you understand what you need to include in your application. You will need to provide confirmation that you have consulted as part of your application.

NZP&M is one of the organisations you must consult with. Others may include relevant local authorities and any relevant iwi authorities, hapū and treaty settlement entities.

Note that pre-lodgement consultation is just that - a consultation phase. The organisations, including us, cannot make decisions about your project. Their role is to provide information only. Decisions on substantive applications are taken by an expert panel.

Read more about the pre-lodgement consultation requirements for listed projects in the Fast-track Approvals Act.

Pre-lodgement requirements for listed project, Fast-track Approvals Act —

Contact us to arrange a pre-lodgement consultation meeting

Consultation with us occurs at a pre-lodgement consultation meeting. You must contact us to arrange the meeting.

At the meeting you will be expected to tell us about your project and your application. We will let you know ahead of the meeting the type of information we would like you to cover. This will vary depending on the type of approvals being sought and our familiarity with the project.

As a guide, we are likely to be interested in the anticipated timing for lodging the substantive application and an overview of all aspects of the mining permit application being prepared.

The meeting is also a chance for us to provide information to you. This will include giving you feedback on your project and highlighting areas you may like to think about for your application. We will also explain our role in the Fast-track process and provide any other relevant information.

Contact NZP&M to arrange a pre-lodgement consultation meeting by emailing

Following the meeting, we will provide you with written feedback about your project, to further help you prepare your application.

Submit your substantive application

Once you have completed pre-lodgement consultation, you can submit your substantive application.

An expert panel considers the applications and decides if they are approved, declined or approved with conditions. NZP&M will provide comments/advice to the panel as part of this process.

Visit the Fast-track website to learn how to submit the application form.

Substantive application for resource consents and other approvals —

Further information

If you have questions about pre-lodgement consultation, please contact

If you have questions about the Fast-track process in general, including making a substantive application, contact the Fast-track team.

Contact the Fast-track team —

Fast-track Approval Act 2024 — New Zealand Legislation

Crown Minerals Act 1991 — New Zealand Legislation

Last updated:
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