Time to send us your annual summary reports
New National Manager Petroleum and Minerals Susan Baas is urging permit holders to get their annual summary reports (ASR) filed as soon as possible.

Annual summary reports provide MBIE with valuable information about New Zealand’s mineral resources. All permit holders are required by law to provide an ASR in return for the rights given by the permit. The deadline for ASRs is 31 March 2020.
“By 31 March 2020 every permit holder who had a permit during 2019 needs to have sent to us an ASR for the calendar year,” Susan says.
Providing an ASR by 31 March each year is a legal requirement, but last year only 64% of these reports came in by the due date. “That’s not good enough and we encourage permit holders to start getting this information together now,” Susan says.
She is also encouraging permit holders to use the Online Permitting System (OPS) to submit returns this year, ahead of a move next year to require all ASRs to be submitted online.
“Using the OPS has advantages for both permit holders and NZP&M,” Susan says. “It’s great for permit holders because it allows you to save your work and come back to it later. And in future years you can easily locate the report so you can compare production information.”
It also means we can be more efficient in managing other work for permit holders during this time. “Last year the team had to manually input nearly 600 ASRs, which put significant pressure on other work,” Susan says.
If you are unsure of what to provide in your ASR, or need support using OPS, please get in touch with us.
“We’re here to help, so if you have a question, please give us a call or email.
There’s guidance for permit holders on our website, and we’ve also produced a video tutorial showing you how to fill out an ASR online.
- Minerals guidance – Annual summary reports for prospecting and exploration permits [DOCX 475KB]
- Minerals guidance – Annual summary reports for Tier 2 mining permits [PDF 349KB]
- Video tutorial - How to fill out an annual summary report using the online permitting system